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Impurities in our water supply can impact our health

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Reverse Osmosis

Introduced in 1977, reverse osmosis quickly gained prominence as a leading choice for residential water purification, attributed to its simplicity and efficiency in maintenance. This system excels in eliminating a broad spectrum of impurities, including the odors and discoloration frequently found in municipal tap water, by employing a semi-permeable membrane to filter out undesired substances.

The effectiveness of reverse osmosis in producing clean and safe drinking water has made it a highly regarded option for homeowners seeking to enhance the quality of their water supply. By providing a straightforward and reliable method for purifying tap water, reverse osmosis systems have become an essential component in households aiming for superior water clarity and safety.

How does reverse osmosis work?

To grasp the concept of reverse osmosis, it's crucial to first understand osmosis, which is the natural movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated one through a semipermeable membrane. Imagine a scenario where a balloon made of such a membrane is filled with water and placed in a tank of fresh water. The balloon might burst as water from the tank flows into it, seeking equilibrium. Reverse osmosis, on the other hand, works in the opposite manner. By applying pressure, it forces water to move through the membrane in the reverse direction, effectively filtering out dissolved substances and leaving cleaner water on the other side.

Sediment Pre-Filter

This crucial step in the reverse osmosis filtration process effectively removes larger particles like salts, sand, sediment, and dirt, preventing them from reaching and potentially damaging the reverse osmosis membrane, thereby ensuring its longevity and optimal performance.

Activated Carbon Filter

Once water passes through the sediment filter, it progresses to the carbon filter stage, which plays a pivotal role in eliminating chemicals like chlorine that pose a risk to the reverse osmosis membrane's integrity. In addition to safeguarding the membrane, this stage significantly enhances the water's taste and odor, making it more palatable and enjoyable for consumption. This added layer of filtration ensures a more thorough purification process, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the system.

Reverse Osmosis Membrane

The semipermeable membrane stands as the cornerstone of the filtration process, its unique properties permitting only water molecules to pass through while effectively blocking a wide array of dissolved contaminants. This selective permeability ensures the production of water that is not only clean but also superior in taste, devoid of any unpleasant odors, making it perfectly suited for drinking, culinary use, or bathing. The meticulous design of this membrane guarantees an enhanced purification outcome, delivering water of exceptional quality for various household needs.

Upkeep and service for your system

Beyond providing superior quality water, the reverse osmosis system also offers the advantage of low maintenance and easy upkeep. The frequency of service for your system, such as replacing the sanitary exchange modules, typically ranges from every six months to annually, depending on how often the system is used. Additionally, We recommend an annual sanitization of the reverse osmosis system to maintain the highest level of cleanliness for your water, ensuring it is in the best condition for use.

Multiple service packages are on offer to cater to your unique requirements. We invite you to contact us to arrange your yearly service or to select a service plan that can help you economize.