Do I need water refinement?

Impurities in our water supply can impact our health

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Whole home water filtration

We are delighted to present the Westinghouse Progressive Series water refiner, an all-encompassing water filtration system designed to enhance your household's water quality. This system delivers purified, soft water ideal for drinking, laundry, and bathing, providing numerous benefits for you and your family.

By harnessing the innovative EcoFlow regeneration process, advanced water brining techniques, and the efficiency of true-flow media, our water filtration system establishes unparalleled benchmarks in water conservation, significantly extending the durability of its filtering elements. This meticulously designed system is dedicated to providing your household with water that is not only exceptionally pure but also remarkably soft, ensuring an elevated experience with every use.

To achieve this, our system utilizes a meticulously structured four-stage filtration process, each stage playing a pivotal role in enhancing water quality. We invite you to delve deeper into the specifics of these essential stages by continuing to read, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the sophisticated technology that ensures the best possible water for your home.

High microporosity granular activated carbon

The initial phase involves activated carbon, which, due to its expansive surface area, excels at extracting organic compounds, chlorine, and trihalomethanes. These substances often appear in tap water as residual by-products from the purification of source water prior to its distribution to residences.

BlackCat® Ion Exchange Media

The BlackCat® ion exchange media, a specialized engineered resin, plays a crucial role in removing positively charged ions from water. This is achieved by passing the water through tiny beads that carry an electrical charge, effectively capturing calcium and magnesium ions and substituting them with sodium ions. This critical exchange significantly softens the water and reduces clear water iron content. Without this vital process, the presence of these ions could result in the formation of lime scale deposits, which may diminish the lifespan of household appliances, cause staining on dishes and faucets, and reduce the efficiency of soaps.

Bacteriostat 55

Bacteriostat 55, a filtration medium, is effective in purging bacteria, algae, fungi, and additional organic substances from your household's water supply. Beyond organic materials, it is also capable of eliminating up to 99% of dissolved metals, such as lead, nickel, and mercury. This is achieved through the redox chemical process, which transforms electrons between molecules, converting dangerous contaminants into benign substances.

Garnet Filtration Media

The garnet filtration stage marks the conclusion of the process, chiefly tasked with maximizing water clarity post-filtration. Furthermore, this phase enhances the surface area of the lower distributor, minimizing water channeling as it moves through the refiner, ensuring a thorough and efficient filtration process.

Garnet filtration is featured in both the Progressive and Assurance series Refiners, but it is not employed in the Revolution® Series refiners.