Do I need water refinement?

Impurities in our water supply can impact our health

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Our purified water surpasses bottled water.

We offer pure and clean water, free from the health hazards and ecological footprint associated with bottled water.

Many people opt for bottled water to dodge the pollutants in their tap water, yet they might end up with unintended consequences. Drinking accounts for only 33% of our daily intake of chlorine and disinfectant byproducts. The majority, 67%, of our exposure and uptake of these chemicals occurs through activities like showering, bathing, and brushing our teeth. Research by the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality has shown that individuals using chlorinated water face a 93% higher risk of cancer compared to those who consume water without chlorine.

Moreover, the environmental toll of bottled water is considerable, stemming from the production and disposal of plastic bottles. This not only exacerbates waste management challenges but also contributes to the depletion of natural resources and increases carbon emissions. Furthermore, the process of bottling water often involves significant water and energy consumption, adding to its environmental footprint. As consumers become more aware of these impacts, there is a growing movement towards sustainable water consumption practices, including the use of water filtration systems at home that can mitigate the need for bottled water and reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.

Bottled Water Factsheet

Did you know that per liter, bottled water can be more expensive than gasoline? For example, buying a 24-pack of Aquafina at your local Walmart might set you back $37.50, which translates to nearly $12 per gallon. In contrast, tap water costs a mere $0.0004 per gallon, making it less than one 300th the price of bottled water.

Drinking the advised eight glasses of water daily from the tap would cost you roughly 49 cents a year; the equivalent amount in bottled water could cost around $1,400.

Recent studies highlight the severe global crisis linked to the consumption of plastic. A startling revelation is our rapid rate of buying plastic bottles, with the world purchasing an astonishing 1,000,000 plastic bottles every minute.

Furthermore, these studies expose that a staggering 91% of all plastic goes unrecycled.

Predictions suggest that more than half a trillion plastic bottles will be sold in 2020, posing a daunting task in managing the surge of recyclable materials that remain unrecycled.

Our water doesn't generate any by-products and significantly cuts down on the plastic waste generated by your home.

In the previous year, the typical American went through 167 single-use water bottles, yet recycled only 38. The total consumption of plastic water bottles in the U.S. reached approximately 50 billion.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that the average American generates roughly 5.91 pounds of trash daily, with only 1.51 pounds of that being recycled, leaving about 4.40 pounds of waste per person each day.

A recent publication by the Pacific Institute has unveiled that the demand for bottled water in the United States is responsible for using upwards of 17 million barrels of oil annually. This amount of oil is enough to fuel 1.3 million cars for an entire year, emphasizing the significant energy footprint associated with bottled water consumption. It's important to note that this figure doesn't even account for the additional oil required for the transportation of bottled water, which includes the shipping of finished products to various distribution points and ultimately to consumers. This aspect adds another layer to the environmental impact, highlighting the extensive use of fossil fuels not just in the production of the bottles themselves but also in the logistics chain that brings bottled water to market.

Water bottles made from PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic are known to release substances that mimic the hormone estrogen. While past studies have primarily concentrated on plastics containing bisphenol-a (BPA), PET plastic water bottles were considered safe concerning human health. However, recent findings challenge this assumption. Researchers at Goethe University in Frankfurt discovered that estrogen-like chemicals seep from the plastic into the water, indicating that PET might not be as harmless as previously thought.

It now seems that certain unidentified chemicals in these plastics could disrupt the function of estrogen and other reproductive hormones, similarly to the effects of BPA and phthalates.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared its intention to assess the risks associated with plastic particles in drinking water. This decision follows a study that detected minuscule plastic fragments in over 90% of tested samples from leading bottled water brands globally.

The findings revealed that, on average, there were 325 microplastic particles per liter of water, encompassing materials like polypropylene, nylon, and polyethylene terephthalate. Notably, a single bottle of Nestlé Pure Life was found to contain over 10,000 microplastic particles.

We supply the finest quality water for your household.

Our water purification process begins with a renewable-resourced carbon filter, which effectively removes over 90% of chlorine, chloramines, volatile organic compounds, and other disinfectant by-products. This initial stage also eradicates unpleasant odors and enhances the taste of your water. In the subsequent phase, our system filters out 99% of soluble heavy metals like lead, mercury, nickel, and chromium, while also eliminating and preventing the growth of bacteria and algae. The final step in our refinement process tackles the issue of scale and dissolved minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, rendering the need for a traditional water softener obsolete. This comprehensive treatment ensures that every drop of water flowing through your home's sinks, faucets, showers, and appliances is of the highest purity and quality.
Learn More about whole-home water refinement..

To achieve the pinnacle of drinking water quality, we enhance our refined water even further with a process called "reverse osmosis." This advanced method involves an additional four stages of purification, eliminating up to 99% of any residual contaminants. This includes substances such as chlorine, arsenic, copper, chromium, lead, as well as pesticides, herbicides, and radioactive ions, ensuring the water you drink is exceptionally pure and safe.
Learn more about reverse osmosis.