Challenges of Hard Water in your Home

Unfiltered Water Impacts Your Family

Water Contamination Concerns

Newser reports that "Every major US city east of the mississippi" is at risk, says an expert in water regulations. "The logical conclusion is that millions of people's drinking water is potentially unsafe."

We drink it, cook with, make coffee, juice and tea. Your home's water supply should be of high quality to protect the health and wellbeing of you and your family, so it's important to choose a filter that meets the highest standards. Since water contains minerals that can help prevent disease, it's important to ensure that the water is completely safe to drink.

Contaminants in Your Drinking Water

In 2010 the President's cancer panel finally spilled the beans to the American public in a shocking report on water problems - after decades of independant tests, case studies & medical journal reports. The contaminants, pollutants and carcinogens that are present in our water supply systems can cause cancer.

Some of the pollutants found were Atrazine, Barium, Bromochloroacetic acid, Chloroform, Cyanide, Dibromoacetic acid, Fluoride, Haloacetic acids (HAA5), Hexadecenoic acids, Manganese, Metolachloracetic acid, Nitrate, Simazine, Total trihalomethanes (TTHM’s) and Trichloroacetic acid.

Everyday Concerns

In addition to detracting from the taste and safety of your families drinking and cooking water, deposits from some minerals that are found in your water impair the effectiveness of household soaps and combine to form soap scum, which can affect dishes, sinks, showers, bathtubs, clothes, linen, skin...and your hair. These unsightly deposits cause a lot of additional household cleanup, and in some cases require harsh, toxic cleaning chemicals that are damaging to our environment as well.

Home and Appliance Damage

Hard water is known to cause buildup and damage in your homes plumbing. Pipes can become completely clogged causing expensive repairs. Among other things your kitchen and bathroom sinks, hot water heaters, showers and toilets can also suffer detrimental effects which, coupled with the plumbing, can take a large bite out of your savings to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars in repairs.

Common contaminants like calcium, lime, magnesium, and iron prematurely plug up your appliances and plumbing, damage appliances, and stain and plug up fixtures.