Better-than-bottle quality water,
for your entire home.

For less than you are currently paying for untreated water.


We purchased a system from Pro Energy Solutions... It was a lifesaver. Within a few days, my baby’s skin cleared up. The dry patches on my two oldest went away. I have noticed my hair becoming soft and luscious again the best part is I can now cook and drink my home's water (instead of bottled water). I would HIGHLY recommend this water treatment.

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William Cross - Homosassa, FL

For assistance, or to schedule a free water analysis call (855) 222-8361

Advantages of Installing a Westinghouse Whole-House Water Purification and Drinking System:

Experience clean, safe water throughout your home and for your loved ones.
Protect your household by eliminating harmful substances such as chlorine, chromium 6, trace pharmaceuticals, minerals that cause water hardness, and other impurities down to 0.5 microns in size.
Reduce your monthly bills and expenses and increase your overall savings.
Typically, the monthly savings from using our system exceed its cost. Extend the lifespan of your beauty products, soaps, and cleaning agents, eliminate the need for plastic bottles, and enjoy lower utility expenses.
You will look better and feel drastically healthier!
Envision having softer skin and more lustrous hair thanks to our systems that eliminate irritants and impurities that contribute to early aging. Your attire will also benefit, with whites remaining pristine and colors vibrant.

These are just some of the benefits from choosing a Westinghouse system! Check below to see all the features and benefits!

See all of the features and benefits

Explore the advantages of comprehensive home water purification!

Today, individuals encounter various water issues, including undesirable taste, appearance, and texture, which can cause household frustrations and lead to extra expenses.

What's the solution? Book a complimentary water analysis now and discover how a Westinghouse Water Refiner installation in your home can save your family money and you time.


Clean, fresh water throughout your entire home.

Rest assured, with Westinghouse Water Refiners and Drinking Water Systems installed, your home's water will be pure and refreshing. The Westinghouse Progressive Revolution Series water refiner, an enhanced model of our acclaimed Progressive Series, offers top-notch efficiency and performance through its exceptionally innovative design.

Operating continuously, it guarantees that your entire home enjoys the uninterrupted advantages of purified, soft water. This results in softer, more vibrant clothes and linens that have an extended lifespan, while also keeping your fixtures and water-utilizing appliances spotless and free from scaling, soap residue, and other water-related problems.